Schools & Kura Kaupapa Māori

From age 5 to 18 – te wāhanga o ngā kura

            Whether you are a teacher or parent of school-aged students, we’ve got your             learning needs covered.

Check out how we can help you through professional development, touring performers, resources and other school related support services, programmes and events

Our role is to fill the gaps around learning, based on what you need. Some examples to give a flavour of what this can look like include:

  • Science in the classroom (including Putaiao)

  • Digital technology and cirriculum

  • Te Reo Maori, tikanga, and waiata

  • Cultural pedagogy and learning support

  • Transitions to school support (including between immersion-mainstream)

  • Teacher professional development

  • Facilitating/brokering groups and networks



Schools-related support programmes

Here are some examples of the support services, programmes and events that Eastbay REAP offers schools in the Eastern Bay:

School holiday programmes

Eastbay REAP supports the promotion and coordination of school holiday programmes in the eastern Bay of Plenty.  School holiday programmes provide a great learning opportunity for kids outside of the school environment.

Alternative Education (Apiti Hou) is a programme for 16 - 18 year olds who need a different space to engage in their learning. Contextual and individualised learning is shaped around the youth, so that a plan to transition back to school with renewed behaviours and stronger sense of self and achievement.

Funding for school initiatives

Eastbay REAP supports school and community initiatives through funding for learning opportunities that align with government and Eastbay REAP priorities. Contact us to find out more about these priorities or download an application form here.

Putaiao PLD is Maori Medium professional development for teachers and kura communities who wish to increase their knowledge of science teaching and learning. We take a contextual focus, with the accredited facilitator working alongside people to develop a plan of delivery that meets their specific needs.

Enriching Local Curriculum. Eastbay REAP has partnered with HALO Whakatāne to deliver a localised Collaborative Community Education Model. We teach learners about our taiao and help them foster a relationship with place-based biodiversity and conservation education - the team will also assist kaiako in linking the learnings to the NZC.

Transition-to-school. The 'Transition-to-school' forums bring together professionals from early childhood centres and primary schools within the Kawerau, Opotiki and Whakatane districts. These forums provide the opportunity to discuss issues and solutions regarding the transition-to-school process and to develop an understanding of the changes and new expectations for children and whanau.

Mana Aki is a holistic wrap around service that supports students aged 5 to 15 at risk of disengaging from school. We work with the students and their schools, teachers, partners, and whanau to quickly identify issues that need addressing to make school a more positive experience. From resources to contextual learning programmes, responses are focused on the learner.

Youth At-Risk is a Murupara-based service that re-engages young people in the community. The local facilitator works with local schools and partners to find ways to build youth participation in learning work readiness, character building, and community events.

House of Science. Based in Eastbay REAPs Whakatane facilities, the House of Science encourages a passion for science in the children throughout the Eastern Bay. A range of Science Kits containing experiments and learning resources are assembled and distributed to schools so teachers and students can explore the wonders of the world through science.

News Release - December 2018