How We Work at
Eastbay REAP

ngā tikanga mō a mātou mahi


Create a unique Eastbay REAP learning experience

At Eastbay REAP we listen to the education needs of all sectors of the community and tailor our programmes to suit.
We work through an easy step-by-step approach to establish what is needed and how we can help.
So, take the first step and contact us today!  We’ll listen and we’ll connect you to your own unique REAP learning experience.

  1. Contact us! Call us, send us an email, visit us or we can visit you
  2. We listen to what you need
  3. We connect you to the people who can help
  4. We tailor-make the learning opportunity that is right for you!

Tikanga Māori, te reo Māori - ka ā mai, ka ō mai

“It’s how we do things around here”

Māori represent nearly 50% of the eastern Bay of Plenty’s population and the Bay of Plenty region has the second highest rate of Māori language speakers in the country (Source: Bay of Plenty Regional Council). In recognition of the importance of Māori language and culture, Eastbay REAP actively pursues a bi-cultural, and wherever possible, a bi-lingual approach to communications and practices.

At Eastbay REAP – we never stop learning!
